Ride The Intro!
Contestants Challenge:
You are the evening show presenter (7-10pm) on Hot AC radio station, 97.7 XYZ FM. Look at your playout system (attached)
At 8.34pm – The Weeknd – Blinding Lights is scheduled.
The intro is 27secs long. Your PD has asked you to plug the liner (attached). – ‘The 25K Giveaway’.
You MUST ‘talk it’ over the intro!
As you ONLY have 27secs, grab the vital bits of information that will sell it! How you do this…is entirely up to you!
Duration – 27secs
Judges were listening and scoring on:
Word Economy
Mic Technique Delivery
Visual Creativity Originality
Forward Momentum Energy
Natural Style
Your Unique Personal Touch.
This Is Me!
Contestant’s Challenge:
Create a video showing who you are and what you do. LET THE JUDGES “IN”.
Duration: 90secs MAX