RadioStar Bootcamp
Your chance to receive help preparing your RadioStar Entry.
This year the RadioStar ‘25 Bootcamp emphasis will be on Fast , Focused Feedback.
Simply read this radio liner-
‘The 25K GiveAway’
All this month, you have a chance to win 25K in the ‘25K GiveAway’ *with HotChips Potato Snacks.
Here’s how it works:
Starting Monday, be listening to Bill and Bobbi on the XYZ-FM Morning Show at 7:10.
They will name the ‘25K Song of The Day’.
This is the ONlY time the song will be announced.
Then later in the day, when you hear us play that song in FULL…be caller 97 through to us on 555-0977 and you will go into the draw for 25K.
The draw will take place on September 15th LIVE at Joe’s Bar & Grill – the Home of Great Steaks – 15 Main Street.
You and 25 other XYZ-FM listeners will join the entire crew here for an evening of music, food, refreshments and fun and ONE Listener will walk away 25K better off!
Starts Monday and runs all through the week up to September 14th.
Terms and Conditions, Contest Rules and Eligibility are available on the website xyz.com
The XYZ-FM ‘25K GiveAway’ only on Your Home For The Hottest Music – 97.7 XYZ-FM
You CAN edit it
REWORD ( but MUST use same info) OR Use liner as a talk up to vocals on song intro.
Then… fill in the RadioStar Bootcamp form
And attach your audio sample.
We will email you, just to let you know we’ve received your responses and audio.
THEN…you will receive a written feedback report from RadioStar’s Nails & Tracey directly to your email.
This report will outline actionable insights and guidance to help you create your RadioStar ‘25 entry.