Does It Have To Be So Complicated?
We spoke to a group of Programmers recently about how radio needs to make presenters a priority in 2023. The presenter being the connection between station and listener. It opened up a nice chat. It also brought out the ‘complicators’!
The ‘complicators’ take a very simple premise and add in anything that might be unnecessary.
* “There’s more to radio than just opening a mic and speaking” – Correct.
* “You can’t just allow presenters free reign to do whatever they want” – Correct.
* “Ratings show that M15-34 are actually listening 1.7% more during daytime” – OK (?)
None of that was up for debate and are arguments in their own right.
Radio is a very simple concept…as an industry we have just managed to make it quite difficult.
>>> It is one human being connecting with another human being <<<
Whether that’s through music, talk, comedy, debate…whatever.
Over complicate it all you want but when you strip it down to it’s bare essentials….it’s a human connection.
The fundamental principles that make up that relationship and the science behind them.
Anything else is over-thinking it. We talk about this everyday.
Yes it takes skill and practice and experience and luck and graft and dedication and time patience and love and sheer bloody passion…but doesn’t any worthwhile relationship?

By Nails Mahoney