You ARE Being Noticed.

Really. It’s true. Even if it doesn’t feel like it. Even if the industry seems to ignore you…they know you are there.

Two Examples:
1. We send out an email update to subscribers once a month. It links to articles and news and events. 90% of the people who open that on a regular basis never contact us. That’s a LOT of people!!
If we were oblivious to this fact, we would feel invisible. BUT because we know that the email is being read each time, it helps us to keep going.
None of these people are obliged to contact us…ever! That’s their prerogative. No problem with that. It’s nice to know they are there, though.

2. A client of ours came to us six months ago with the usual “No one notices me” problem. Turns out, after we contacted PDs on their behalf, that they were in fact, quite well known. That doesn’t guarantee a gig or a meeting but it does help as you look for openings. Knowing you are noticed helps a lot.

* If you feel ignored, remember the likelihood is that you are not.
* In fact, it’s more likely that people DO notice you.
* So, keep going. Keep investing in yourself and keep believing that your time will come.

– Maybe people aren’t contacting you because they feel they have no reason to…yet, but want to keep up to date on your activities. That’s not such a bad thing, is it?

You only lose opportunities when you stop looking for them.

By OnAirCoach