One idea can change a life.

“No one notices me”.

We’ve heard this over and over and over again. Radio presenters coming to us with the one genuine concern – they just needed someone to listen to them and give them a chance.

That Christmas bottle of whiskey was eventually cracked open in July of 2018. We sat on our balcony in Malta chatting and saying “How can we solve this for people?”.

“Wouldn’t it be great” Tracey said “if we could run a contest for presenters.” Nails added “and force programmers to listen to them!” We both said “Exactly!!!”

So…RadioStar was born.

As the ideas flowed, so did the whiskey…and next day….it was STILL a great idea!!

Five years on from that chat, RadioStar has launched dozens of full-time on-air careers – presenters, producers, writers, imaging, TV hosts, podcasters, voiceover artists, news readers in Ireland, the UK, Canada, US, Australia, New Zealand, the Caribbean, Namibia, South Africa….all over this planet of ours.

That has happened all from ONE idea. Lives have literally been changed since that day.

“If it wasn’t for RadioStar I wouldn’t be doing this” – we hear this all the time.

BUT…we’re legitimately not doing this for praise or recognition. This is our way of showcasing talent and giving something back…and giving a shit! Not just about radio…but about people. About lives.

  • What do YOU give a shit about?
  • What do you care about?
  • What matters to you?
  • What can you change today?
  • How can your words or actions help someone today? ANYone.

~ Can your smile encourage theirs? Can your words today boost their self worth? Can you do your bit to change someone’s situation? ~

One positive action today could have a domino effect.

It’s all about giving something back.

It’s like at Christmas…the best feeling is watching someone open the present you have given them.

— We are going to continue with RadioStar and continue changing lives because we LOVE seeing people go from lost and feeling invisible to happy in themselves and feeling worthwhile. —

The biggest thrill for us is to see the people we coach achieve their dreams, be happy and content in their lives. It’s priceless and is what keeps us going everyday. We’re relentless and will never stop with mission of ours.

* This is the season of goodwill. There’s so much you can give that doesn’t cost money.

What can you do?

By Nails Mahoney & Tracey