Who is making headlines this week?

One show: Kyle & Jackie O.
Why? What do they do?
* They prep. 
* They have chemistry with eachother and their listener. 
* They market themselves on and off air. 
* They ‘look’ the part. 
* They are focussed. Each link, each show, each week is laser-like. They open the mic and know exactly what they want and how to get there. 
* They don’t depend on the listener for content…they drive the show. 
* They OWN the show. 

When we hear presenters in other markets say “Tell me what you’re up to today”, “If you want a shout out, let me know” or “Coming up, The Weeknd…only here” we have to wonder…

Asking generic questions and making generic comments achieves a generic response. It’s like porridge…will keep you going but can’t compete with French Toast, bacon and coffee (in my view!!).

– – Ask Yourself- – 
* Do you want to be on the radio to be ignored by your listener or do you want to achieve something special?
* Do you want this industry to thrive? 

Well, YOU are part of that process.
You can crank that mic and give me cliches and crutches all day…OR you can THINK about what you are doing and curate a SHOW. This is 2021…your listener doesn’t NEED you anymore. 

Help them WANT to listen to you.

(BTW…Kyle & Jackie O dress like superstars too. That’s called marketing!)

By Nails Mahoney